The Electronic Revolution

By racket racket

Documentary examining the contribution and impact of Kraftwerk and their experimental and innovative peers on electronic music as we now know it.


The film from 2008 features some terrific footage. Live appearances and performances of many of the pivotal Kraftwerk tracks as well as plenty footage of some of their most prominent contemporaries. Roedelius, Moebius, Klaus Schulze, Conrad Schnitzler as well as insight from the ubiquitous array of pop culture commentators.

Lots of this one may be old news to many of you and, as ever with these things, certain important parts of the story are given less precedence than others… All in all though, if this sort of thing tends to be up your strasse we think it’s well worth spending the time on.

Explore more documentaries on Racket Racket.

And if you really want to you can pick up a brand new copy of the Kraftwerk and the Electronic Revolution DVD from places like Discogs.


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