
By racket racket

Din Daa Daa has recently created this thoughtful and exploratory mix for Racket Racket. Inspired by truly amazing music and, importantly, the philosophy of spiritualist visionary, Anthony De Mello.

Denise Ross's Awareness Mix


The tracklist for this one is being kept secret for now but feel free to get in touch if you would like any help with identifying any of the tracks within the mix.

We, at Racket Racket, firmly believe that Mr De Mello speaks a lot of sense in a humorous and, again importantly, human and charming way with an endearing and enlightened attitude to life on this mortal coil. You can find out more about him on this comprehensive tribute website: Awareness.TK.

Hope you enjoy.



  1. Ellen

    ‘Like’ is just not adequate for this mix. Wonderful music, makes the world feel a better place. Awareness is what it is all about!
    Big thanks

  2. can you ID the amazing track at 24min?


  3. racket racket

    Hi Jimmy,

    It’s Salma Agha – Come Closer.

    Available on this but not cheap…

    Cheers, Andy

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