Neuronium and Ashra

By racket racket

Jam session from the Barcelona based TV programme Musical Express featuring Spanish electronic outfit Neuronium and the outstanding Ashra from 1981.

Just stumbled on this short video recording after having been listening to Ashra’s Correlations LP fairly regularly of late. This TV appearance from Gottsching, Grosskopf and the boys alongside kindred experimental electronic outfit Neuronium and Teddy Bautista is from a few years after Correlations and makes for quite a fantastic watch. Unbelievable talent in that room that day. And, for want of a better expression, they don’t make ’em like that anymore.

If you liked that then watch Kraftwerk and the Electronic Revolution. A documentary examining the contribution and impact of Kraftwerk and their experimental and innovative peers, such as the men behind Ashra, on electronic music as we now know it.

And for Spanish readers, have a look at some of the other videos on the YouTube channel this was on.


  1. Anne McColgan

    Voy a mirar y escuchar las videos en youtube en español! La mejor forma de aprender, a través de la música!

  2. Pingback: Roedelius Interview

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